Monday, May 22, 2017

Cherish one another! - free LDS coloring page

Hello, friends! This week's coloring page was a special request for a page about Relief Society. If you're not familiar with it, Relief Society is the women's organization in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One of the greatest purposes of the Relief Society is for us as women and sisters to take care of each other, and I have always loved this beautiful quote from Lucy Mack Smith. "We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another, and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together." Sisterhood is what it's all about. And like the flowers on this page, we are all different. The biggest and most vibrant chrysanthemum isn't more important than the tiniest forget-me-not. We look different and we have different needs, but the garden is beautiful because of it's variety! Our challenge is to look around and see who we can cherish and watch over. Have a wonderful week!

To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Power in Motherhood - free LDS/Christian Mother's Day coloring page

Hello, friends! With Mother's Day fast approaching, I love these words from Julie B. Beck: "There is eternal power and influence in motherhood." At first this seemed overwhelming to me - motherhood is so important, how do we carry such a burden of responsibility for the souls of our children? But I really think this is meant to be a promise. When we act in our eternal identity as mothers, we carry the power and influence of heaven with us. We are partners with our Heavenly Parents in nurturing our children and helping them grow, and they know we are just figuring it out as we go along. They know we are totally lost sometimes and that we make all kinds of mistakes. So they send their eternal power and influence to help us, and we never need to feel like we're carrying this burden alone. We can see miracles in motherhood when we ask for that help - that is what I pray for every day!

When I thought about using stained glass as the design for this page, the parallels to motherhood just kept coming to me. Stained glass is beautiful and can have a powerful effect on our religious experience, but it's also vulnerable and needs protection. It takes sunlight and transforms it and gives it meaning, just as we help give understanding and meaning to the light our kids receive from heaven. There are also endless variations to stained glass design, and each is beautiful in its own way, just as there are endless variations to how we mother and no one right way to be perfect. 

To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'.