I love this scripture theme for the young women and young men of the Church for 2018! Such simple but important steps we all need in our lives to find peace through the Savior! I hope you enjoy this free coloring page - feel free to print as many copies as you'd like! (Just right click the image below to save to your computer.) Best wishes for a 2018 full of peace and light!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Scandinavian Christmas Pattern + free coloring page

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
If you could read their story -- free happy thoughts coloring page - #LighttheWorld
This coloring page is a repost, but I thought it was perfect for today's #LighttheWorld theme: "Judge not, that ye be not judged." The more we get to know others, the more we open our hearts to each other, the less we are inclined to judge them. It takes way more work and vulnerability than making snap judgments, but that's what we're here for - to learn to love.
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!
Friday, December 1, 2017
Hello, friends! It is officially Christmas time and I am absolutely thrilled. I'm also super inspired by the #LighttheWorld campaign - all about sharing the light of Christ this season by doing the things that he would do. There's a wonderful video and a daily calendar that you can watch and download here - 100% guaranteed to get you in the true spirit of Christmas.
This week's coloring page celebrates that theme. I hope you'll enjoy it and share it as you look for your own ways to light the world this beautiful Christmas season.
To print this page, just right click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click "fit to page" so the edges don't get cut off. Merry Christmas!
This week's coloring page celebrates that theme. I hope you'll enjoy it and share it as you look for your own ways to light the world this beautiful Christmas season.
To print this page, just right click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click "fit to page" so the edges don't get cut off. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
What a Wonderful World - free gratitude coloring page
Click these links for this year's first and second gratitude coloring pages. And here's a link to last year's Thanksgiving coloring page as well.
To download this free page, just right-click on the image below and save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click "fit to page."
Monday, November 13, 2017
The power of finding beauty - free gratitude coloring page
I saw this quote on instagram the other day (thanks to the talented @merryletter) and it struck me so forcefully. This is gratitude and abundance - opening our eyes to the beautiful lives we have and the beautiful world around us, finding joy in what we already have and truly seeing the gifts we've been given. What a gift that would be to the people we love and to ourselves! And then this very morning I started the @smallseed daily gratitude devotionals with my kiddos and found this quote: "because the beauties of life are so abundant, sometimes we take them for granted. Our minds have a marvelous capacity to notice the unusual. However, the opposite is true as well: The more often we see the things around us—even the beautiful and wonderful things—the more they become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds—even those we love. Because we see things so often, we see them less and less. Those who live in thanksgiving daily, however, have a way of opening their eyes and seeing the wonders and beauties of this world as though seeing them for the first time. " -- Joseph B. Wirthlin
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Gratitude! - free Thanksgiving coloring page
Ah, November! This month all our happy quotes coloring pages will center on gratitude, because it really is the key to happiness in our own lives and in all our relationships. Here's one of my favorites, by Melody Beattie, complete with some lovely fall foliage. The acorns are a symbol that gratitude is a small act that grows into something so strong and beautiful in our lives. Enjoy!
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!

Sunday, October 29, 2017
Happiness is a form of courage - free happy thought coloring page
Is it courageous to choose happiness? I believe it with my whole heart. There is so much out there that could drag us down into a permanent state of doom and gloom - personal struggles, financial problems, family stress, the scary things that happen in the world, you name it. We could live in fear of the next bad thing that is going to happen. We could live with low expectations so that we’re never too disappointed. But we would miss out on so much! There is so much good and lovely and wonderful in our lives and in the world, and if we are brave enough seek out and cherish all of that, we will only find more and more of it.
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!
I love the simple papercutting look myself, but you can also make it as colorful as you like. You can also download this cheerful sunshine-y version from my Etsy shop. Feel free to share, and have great week!
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Cheer Yourself Up - free happy quote coloring page
I love this happy thought by Mark Twain - it's that practical no-nonsense wisdom that made him famous. And it's true, isn't it? There isn't much better when you're feeling down than being the bright spot in someone else's day. I've been trying to teach my kids lately about what it means to turn outward instead of inward - I know when I get into those downward spirals, it always starts because I'm overthinking about myself and my issues and my struggles. Turning outward and trying to bring a little light to someone else reminds me how beautiful my life truly is and brings the sunshine back. It's soul-expanding instead of soul-crushing.
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!

Monday, October 9, 2017
What is done in love... happy quote coloring page!
Happy Monday, friends! I finally have a new free coloring page for you - I ran across this quote the other day and it made me so happy. I truly believe we can't go too far astray if our motivation is love. And it's inspired me to do a new coloring page series based on happy, encouraging quotes - I'll have them on my blog for free download just about every Monday morning to get our weeks started off right. So tell me - what are YOUR favorite happy thoughts?
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!
PS The full color version is available now in my etsy shop - download instantly to print as an 8x10 or 5x7!
PS - I know my last post said I was going to do hymns next, and I'll definitely still be working on those, but I think the happy quotes are going to take priority for a bit. :) Just in case anyone was wondering why I'm so ADD... I can't help myself - there are too many things I want to do!
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Mercy, Love & Devotion - free "I Stand All Amazed" coloring page
Hello, friends! With the completion and launch of my second coloring book "The Colorful Word: Modern Inspiration," I'm ready to take on a new challenge! The new series of coloring pages will be based on my favorite messages from beloved hymns - I hope you'll enjoy them!
This week's coloring page is based on the hymn "I Stand All Amazed." Today this line really stood out to me: "I think of His hands pierced and bleeding to pay the debt. Such mercy, such love and devotion, can I forget?" He never forgets us, never abandons or forsakes us. But in the midst of fear or doubt, it is tempting to forget all that He has done for us. Sometimes it seems like doubt will overcome my memories of all that He has done for me. But remembering the miracles I've seen in my life, and trusting in the reality of those experiences, brings me back to Him. I'm so grateful for all He has done for me - how could I ever truly forget that?
I hope you have a wonderful week, and that you'll take the opportunity to remember what the Savior has done for you, both through the Atonement and during special experiences in your life. If you're not sure what those experiences might be, ask your Heavenly Father to open your heart and your remembrance. I truly believe He wants to help you feel His love.

Sunday, August 20, 2017
Respond with Love & Kindness - free LDS Christian coloring page
Today we wish a very happy 90th birthday to our beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson. An instagram friend posted these words from him this morning and I felt two things - first, that this is exactly what the world needs in this crazy, heartbreaking mess going on right now. I mean seriously - whatever faith or world view we come from, I believe most of us can agree on this. And second, that these words perfectly epitomize the teachings of President Monson. So much of what he has taught us over the years centers on love and kindness, service and charity and faith in others. That is the kind of person I want to be, so thank you, President Monson, for pointing our hearts to love!
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Heavenly Father loves you more! - Free LDS / Christian coloring page
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
YOU will be the miracle - free LDS/Christian coloring page
Hello, friends! This week's coloring page features one of my all-time favorite quotes (and yes, I know I've said that before). President Monson gave a talk in October 2007 called Three Goals to Guide You, where he said, "My dear sisters, do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will be no miracle, but you will be the miracle." There are times our Heavenly Father shows us miracles in changing our circumstances, but I truly believe God wants US to be His greatest miracles. It may seem like a subtle shift, but there is such power in changing our prayers from asking for our troubles and challenges to be taken away to asking that we be strengthened to rise to them. He wants us to have every bit of strength and courage and ability and love that are our birthright as daughters of God. Life is meant to challenge us, change us, and give us opportunities to become to incredible women and men God sees in us. And when you come out of the other side of one of these experiences and have a moment to see how far you've come, it does feel truly miraculous. Have you ever had a moment like that?
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Cherish one another! - free LDS coloring page
Hello, friends! This week's coloring page was a special request for a page about Relief Society. If you're not familiar with it, Relief Society is the women's organization in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One of the greatest purposes of the Relief Society is for us as women and sisters to take care of each other, and I have always loved this beautiful quote from Lucy Mack Smith. "We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another, and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together." Sisterhood is what it's all about. And like the flowers on this page, we are all different. The biggest and most vibrant chrysanthemum isn't more important than the tiniest forget-me-not. We look different and we have different needs, but the garden is beautiful because of it's variety! Our challenge is to look around and see who we can cherish and watch over. Have a wonderful week!
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Power in Motherhood - free LDS/Christian Mother's Day coloring page
Hello, friends! With Mother's Day fast approaching, I love these words from Julie B. Beck: "There is eternal power and influence in motherhood." At first this seemed overwhelming to me - motherhood is so important, how do we carry such a burden of responsibility for the souls of our children? But I really think this is meant to be a promise. When we act in our eternal identity as mothers, we carry the power and influence of heaven with us. We are partners with our Heavenly Parents in nurturing our children and helping them grow, and they know we are just figuring it out as we go along. They know we are totally lost sometimes and that we make all kinds of mistakes. So they send their eternal power and influence to help us, and we never need to feel like we're carrying this burden alone. We can see miracles in motherhood when we ask for that help - that is what I pray for every day!
When I thought about using stained glass as the design for this page, the parallels to motherhood just kept coming to me. Stained glass is beautiful and can have a powerful effect on our religious experience, but it's also vulnerable and needs protection. It takes sunlight and transforms it and gives it meaning, just as we help give understanding and meaning to the light our kids receive from heaven. There are also endless variations to stained glass design, and each is beautiful in its own way, just as there are endless variations to how we mother and no one right way to be perfect.
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Trials of life are deep - free LDS coloring page
Hello friends! A few days ago I stumbled across a doodled version of this in my notes and I knew I had to turn it into a coloring page. It's from a wonderful talk by Jeffrey R. Holland called "An High Priest of Good Things to Come," and among many other wonderful words, he said, "Christ knows better than all others that the trials of life can be very deep and we are not shallow people if we struggle with them." The first time I heard it these words went straight to my heart. It's okay to struggle and get discouraged - our Savior is with us in the depths and He understands. He just expects us to keep believing and hoping in Him, to keep reaching out for His hand and His grace. I hope this rings true for you, whatever your current struggles. And I very highly recommend reading that whole talk any time you feel discouraged!
To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Hallelujah! - free Easter coloring page
Happy Easter, friends! This week's coloring page comes straight from my most favorite Easter hymn. Hallelujah is how I feel when I consider all that Easter means to me, because of the Atonement and Resurrection of my Savior Jesus Christ. #becauseofHim I know that nothing damaged is irreparable and nothing lost is irretrievable. Because of Him I can let go of the past, the consequences of both my own mistakes and others. I am made new in Him, over and over again. How can I keep from singing?!

Sunday, April 9, 2017
Everlasting Beginnings - Free LDS Coloring Page
To download this free coloring page, just right click on the image below and save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure to click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and have a great week!
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Certain Women - free LDS Christian coloring page
Hello friends! Last night was the women's session of our semi-annual general conference, and I was so struck by President Linda Burton's message about "certain women," a phrase often used in the New Testament. You can watch it here, but her main idea was to think of the word "certain" in a new way - confident, sure, convinced. She spoke about female disciples of Christ in every era, and how their certain witnesses kept them close to the Savior and empowered them to bring others to Christ as well. She said, "Certain women are disciples, centered in Jesus Christ the Savior." I loved that idea of being centered in the Savior and letting everything else grow from that. Sister Gordon, the first speaker of the evening, had also spoken of staying centered and not getting off balance by trusting in the Lord. My word for 2017 is balance, and these messages really speak to my heart. I hope they do for you, too!
To download this free coloring page, just right click and save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure to click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and have a great week!
To download this free coloring page, just right click and save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure to click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and have a great week!
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Sunday will come - Free LDS coloring page!
Hello, friends! Spring is here, and for the next few weeks I'll be focusing on Easter and the Atonement. There is simply nothing that brings me more joy and hope than the Atonement of our Savior. I really love the talk "Sunday will come" by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin. His talk centers on grief, losing loved ones, and the hope of the Atonement, and I think it applies to all of us when we are going through our hardest times. Here's my favorite part:
"Each of us will have our own Fridays—those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We all will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again. We will all have our Fridays.
But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death—Sunday will come. In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come.
No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come... No matter how dark our Friday, Sunday will come."
These words speak to me so much because there are many weeks where I'm just praying to make it to Sunday. The spirit I feel when I partake of the sacrament and renew my covenants fills in the cracks that always creep in during the week. And that's life, you know? I think we have Sundays to remind us of that greatest Sunday of all when our Savior was resurrected and the Atonement was complete, and because of that we can be healed and put back together when we have those dark times.
Thanks for being here. To download this free coloring page, just right click and save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure to click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and have a great week!
Monday, March 13, 2017
Heaven Is Cheering You On! - free LDS coloring page
Hello, friends! This week's coloring page comes from an absolutely marvelous talk from Jeffrey R. Holland called "Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You." It is all about looking to the future with hope instead of fear, and about the love our Heavenly Father has for us. If you need a little encouragement today, please take a few minutes to go read it - I promise it will lift your heart! Here's just one of my favorite parts:
"If we give our heart to God, if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, if we do the best we can to live the gospel, then tomorrow—and every other day—is ultimately going to be magnificent, even if we don’t always recognize it as such. Why? Because our Heavenly Father wants it to be! He wants to bless us. A rewarding, abundant, and eternal life is the very object of His merciful plan for His children! It is a plan predicated on the truth “that all things work together for good to them that love God.” So keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever."
We are so loved, and we are never alone in the struggles we face. Such a joyful truth!
To download this free coloring page, just right click and save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure to click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and have a great week!
"If we give our heart to God, if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, if we do the best we can to live the gospel, then tomorrow—and every other day—is ultimately going to be magnificent, even if we don’t always recognize it as such. Why? Because our Heavenly Father wants it to be! He wants to bless us. A rewarding, abundant, and eternal life is the very object of His merciful plan for His children! It is a plan predicated on the truth “that all things work together for good to them that love God.” So keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever."
We are so loved, and we are never alone in the struggles we face. Such a joyful truth!
To download this free coloring page, just right click and save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure to click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and have a great week!
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Problems vs People - free LDS coloring page
Hello, friends! When I first heard President Monson speak these words, it struck a chord so deep within me that it has been a constant mantra ever since. There are so many personal conflicts (and family conflicts and church conflicts and political conflicts and on and on) that could be avoided if we take a moment to step back and reevaluate our priorities. Are we sometimes so convinced of our own right-ness that we forget that on the other end of every conflict is another human being who needs and deserves love above all else? When we choose love, even though our minds may not change and their minds may not change, our hearts will change and our relationships can be protected.
Enjoy this free coloring page! To download, just right click on the image below, then save to your computer. Print as you would a photo - make sure you click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and if you have a favorite quote from an LDS general authority, tell me in the comments!
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Completely, Perfectly - free LDS coloring page
Let's keep the love going this week, shall we? These are some of my favorite words about God's love for us - a message that fills in the gaps when I feel so inadequate. God loves you with a complete and perfect love exactly where you are right this moment in your life, no matter how messy your life and your heart feel right now. Don't forget it!
This year I'm doing coloring pages with words from prophets and apostles! Do you have any favorites you'd like me to turn into a coloring page? I'd love to hear them in the comments.
To download this free coloring page, just right click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click "fit to page" so the edges don't get cut off. Feel free to share, and have a great week!
Monday, January 30, 2017
Great & Strong Purpose - free coloring page
Hello, friends! This week's coloring page comes from another of my favorites - this one pretty much sums up my goals for life: happy + purposeful. And I think President Hinckley was the perfect example of this, too. Do you have a favorite quote from a prophet or apostle you'd like me to turn into a coloring page? Tell me in the comments!
To print this free coloring page, just right click on the image below, then save to your computer. Make sure you click "fit to page" so the edges don't get cut off. Feel free to share! Have a marvelous week!
Monday, January 23, 2017
The Joys of Creation
Hello, friends! I'm so happy to be back with a brand new coloring page for you. This year I've decided to create pages based on my favorite words from the prophets and apostles of our day, so I thought I'd start out with my very favorite quote of all, from Thomas S. Monson:
"God left the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left the electricity in the cloud, the oil in the earth. He left the rivers unbridged and the forests unfelled and the cities unbuilt. God gives to man the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that man might know the joys and glories of creation."
These words thrill me every time - God gives us the opportunity and power to create, because we are creative beings just as He is. And I think the greatest raw material we have is our own self. It makes it okay for us to not be perfect today - we are in partnership with God to become something beautiful each and every day.
If you have a favorite quote that you'd like me to turn into a coloring page, leave it as a comment below!
To print this page, just right click the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a photo. Make sure you click "fit to page" so the edges don't get cut off. Have a great week!
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