Sunday, September 25, 2016

Great shall be the peace of thy children -- Coloring Page #24

***Great news! I'm turning my coloring pages into a beautiful coloring book and journal, which will be published and ready to ship just in time for Christmas! If you're interested, you can pre-order now on Kickstarter!***

Happy Sunday, friends! This week's coloring page is in the style of an embroidery sampler, and it comes from Isaiah 54, and I think it's one that we all recognize and take comfort from as we try to teach our kids and raise them up to have faith in the Lord. Because this is really the end goal, isn't it? We want our children to have peace in their lives and in their hearts, and having a relationship with our Savior and our Heavenly Father is the way that peace can last whatever life throws at them.

To print this page, just right click on the image below and save to your computer, then print normally. Make sure you check "fit to page" so the edges don't get cut off. Feel free to share, and have a wonderful week!

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