Sunday, August 20, 2017

Respond with Love & Kindness - free LDS Christian coloring page

Today we wish a very happy 90th birthday to our beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson. An instagram friend posted these words from him this morning and I felt two things - first, that this is exactly what the world needs in this crazy, heartbreaking mess going on right now. I mean seriously - whatever faith or world view we come from, I believe most of us can agree on this. And second, that these words perfectly epitomize the teachings of President Monson. So much of what he has taught us over the years centers on love and kindness, service and charity and faith in others. That is the kind of person I want to be, so thank you, President Monson, for pointing our hearts to love!

To print this free coloring page, just right-click on the image below to save to your computer, then print as you would a picture. Make sure you click 'fit to page'. Feel free to share!


  1. I saw this on carecrates instagram this morning--it is perfect for me today as I send my daughter off on her LDS mission. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.

  2. Absolutely perfect for the YW lesson on unity/love/kindness I'm teaching today. Thank you for doing these pages!!
