Sunday, February 26, 2017

Problems vs People - free LDS coloring page

Hello, friends! When I first heard President Monson speak these words, it struck a chord so deep within me that it has been a constant mantra ever since. There are so many personal conflicts (and family conflicts and church conflicts and political conflicts and on and on) that could be avoided if we take a moment to step back and reevaluate our priorities. Are we sometimes so convinced of our own right-ness that we forget that on the other end of every conflict is another human being who needs and deserves love above all else? When we choose love, even though our minds may not change and their minds may not change, our hearts will change and our relationships can be protected.

Enjoy this free coloring page! To download, just right click on the image below, then save to your computer. Print as you would a photo - make sure you click "fit to page" so you don't miss anything. Feel free to share, and if you have a favorite quote from an LDS general authority, tell me in the comments!


  1. I can't get the image to show on my computer. Is there a problem with the link or is it just my computer?
