Sunday, July 24, 2016

God is our refuge -- Coloring Page #19

***Great news! I'm turning my coloring pages into a beautiful coloring book and journal, which will be published and ready to ship just in time for Christmas! If you're interested, you can pre-order now on Kickstarter!***

Happy Sunday! I hope you enjoy this coloring page, and remember that your Heavenly Father loves you. He is never far from you, especially when your heart is troubled. Sometimes we want to protect ourselves when we're hurting, and we are afraid to open our hearts even enough to let Him in. We don't want to be disappointed on top of the pain we're experiencing. But He is with us, always present, always ready to provide refuge and strength.

To print out this coloring page, just right click the image below and save to your computer. Then print, making sure to select "fit to page" so nothing gets cut off. Feel free to share, and have a wonderful week!


  1. I just found your coloring pages via pinterest and my girls and I are having so much fun with them! Thank you for sharing your time and talents - - I really appreciate them!

  2. These are beautiful! You are using your talents to bless the lives of others. Thanks!
