Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Thanksgiving Chalkboard Wall

I am literally giddy over how this project turned out. I've been wanting to turn my entry wall into a big chalkboard for a long time -- I even bought the paint and supplies a year ago to do it -- but I was chicken. I didn't know if it would turn out well, or be too dark, or whatever. But I had this idea for what I wanted to do for Thanksgiving, so last weekend I just took a deep breath and went for it.

 And here's the result!

For Thanksgiving, everyone in our family (or even just visitors to our home) is listing one thing they're thankful for each day, for me to add to the wall.  This is just our list so far -- I can wait to see how it looks by Thanksgiving!

 I made dark grey chalkboard paint using this formula from Martha Stewart.  It was very easy, but it did use a LOT more paint than I expected -- I was scraping out every drop of my quart of paint to finish this little wall.

I also did a little reorganizing with the accessories for the season.

PS - If you'd like to see what this wall looked like by Thanksgiving, I've posted it here.


  1. Looks great! And it's always so nice to be thrilled with a finished project :)

  2. That looks so fantastic! You always have the greatest, most creative ideas & this works perfectly for your thankfulness idea.

  3. Wonderful Tomi Ann! Can't wait to see it in person!

  4. That is gorgeous! Wow! I really love the chalkboard wall with the yellow table! :)
