Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quick and Easy (but fabulous!) Valentines --

It's a new month and a new set of projects for!  This month they sent me the Cricut Spring Holiday Cards cartridge and the awesome white Signo Uni-Ball Impact Gel Pen. Now, I would never have given this little seasonal cartridge a second look -- I normally gravitate to the cartridges that have a little more "meat" to them -- but it has some adorable artwork!  Even more exciting to me, it has great frames, boxes, and envelopes.  Just look at these:

Pictures from

Aren't those great?  I can't wait to make more fun things with them.  For this little Valentine's candy box, I just used my Gypsy and selected both the box and the front that I wanted.  I enlarged the box to as big as would fit on a 12x12 page.  Because I had them both selected, it automatically sized the little card for the front just right.  I also cut a plain white cardstock piece to go behind the "You are Foxy" card so that it would stand out a little better.

The whole thing took me about 5 minutes, tops.  The box came together in a snap (I used hot glue to keep it together) and then I just slipped the front card right into those pre-cut slits.  I'm envisioning super cute class valentines, just cut in a smaller size and then filled with some little treat.

But of course I couldn't just leave it so plain-Jane.  I mean, it was really cute, but the fabulous white pen from was feeling left out.  So I used it to doodle all over that front card, giving it more fun and personality.  I also outlined just a few of the hearts on the box, just to tie them in with the doodling on the card.  That added just a couple of minutes to the project, but I love the difference it makes!

Chances are you're already well acquainted with the Signo Uni-Ball Impact Gel Pen, but if you aren't, let me tell you -- it is quite possibly the best white pen on planet Earth. (I'm willing to allow that aliens with more advance technology may have come up with something better, but I also may or may not have a theory that that is where mine keep disappearing too...)  It writes so smoothly and has such a nice bright white color.  One word of warning with these, though -- you definitely want to store them laying sideways (rather than vertically) because the tips will get clogged if you don't.  And then you'll want to cry. has a great price on these right now, too, so it's a good time to stock up!

So give this one a second look -- there is a lot more to it than just its seasonal use.  You'll be seeing a lot of projects using these labels, boxes and frames from me in the future!

Other materials -- patterned paper by Imaginisce


  1. Just adorable! Love the little fox...and I'm such a sucker for little boxes and envelopes...tfs!

    ~Sharon C.

  2. Wonderful project Tommy and just because of this post, now I know I "need" this cart... :)

  3. Wow, I just love the little box you made. I have to have this cart. I never would have even considered this but now I am off to buy it:) TFS.


  4. I totally agree that the Signo Uni-Ball Impact Gel Pen is amazing! I have also tried the silver, black and red...LOVE THEM for all my projects!!! Great little box...super cute! Thanks for sharing such wonderful ideas!
