Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saying goodbye to scraps...

I have these little drawers that I keep my scraps in, all color-coded and handy.  I love diving into them and finding just the right little bits for a card or layout.  But after my last few crafting forays, I had to admit to myself that the time had come to clean them out, mostly because I literally could not close them anymore.  Well, I still had some room in the purple drawer and the yellow drawer, but blue and green?  Forget it. 

I don't know why it was so hard for me to say goodbye to all those old scraps!  Most of it was paper that is totally outdated, or that I had already made several projects from and I wasn't likely to go back to again.  But going through them was seriously a trip down memory lane, remembering all the fun layouts and mini-albums and cards I'm made over the past few years.  I felt almost disloyal throwing them out!  I have a problem, I know...

So am I alone in this?  Does anyone else out there hang on to scraps of pretty paper because they're emotionally attached to them?  It's okay if you don't, I already know I'm a little weird...


  1. Yes, Tomi, I have a box full of little scraps that I can't seem to throw away. I do allow my kids to take scraps from it when they craft, so they eventually get are not alone....... ;)

  2. I did that just last week too. I finally let my kids play with them they cut and pasted and had a great time. It wasn't as hard to let them go because they got a lot of joy out of it too.

  3. Tomi I was that way too but then I gave them to Caitlyn or recycled them and even gave away some. I kept the "expensive" pieces LOL but I purge my whole area at least four or five times a year to keep it under control and for reminding myself that I have this and that.

  4. Oh no, I keep them forever!!! The only time I part with them is when my darling blue eyed daughter asks for supplies for her own projects. And who can say no to that?

  5. I know exactly what you mean. Especially some of the "special" papers you got just for a certain project, you hate to throw the rest away when you know you "could" use a bit for something else.

  6. Hello Miss Tomi.....LOVE your craft area ♥♥ I too have a container of scraps but I clean them out all the time - lately I don't keep anything smaller than a 4" x 4" piece and Kasi uses them too which helps keep it under control LOL

    Big hugs!!!

  7. Last year a few bloggers wrote about keeping a memory book of 'past papers' or 'papers of the past' where they keep thumbnail cut-outs of papers they've loved. Just a thought....

  8. Ha! I don't craft, but we did make our wedding announcements. I have a box of leftover materials...paper, glue, little sticky things, string...AND I DON'T CRAFT! I just can't throw it out. My husband threatens to call the hoarders show...because of my one box. ha!

  9. Oh yes, so know what you mean. I have had to go to a size limit on scraps that I keep and that has helped a ton! I also went to a binder system. I have an 8 1/2x11" binder with clear page protectors in it and I file my scraps that way. Keeps them down too and saves SO much space! BTW, I found the heat n bond, yea! Off to re-read your directions and give it a try, I have an idea for Valentine gifts:)

  10. Hi TomiAnn! I just wanted to stop by to thank you for your nice comment on my Moxie Fabber of the Week feature on the Moxie Fab World blog! Thank you very much!! I am so honored to have been featured!!

    I save so many scraps! I need to purge, purge, purge!

  11. I am a collector of anything paper that is microscopic! Since I recieved my Cricut I always say "Cricut can cut this... I'll hold on to it for practice". Well, thanks for posting this... I'm going to say farewell to my scraps... It's time!!
