Friday, August 31, 2007

How can this be?

I spent forever last night digging through my library-of-congress size stash of paper and I realized I have next to NO baby girl paper! That is just dreadful, don't you think? I mean, sure, I have no girls to scrap for, and all my friends and relations have only boys as well. (Seriously, all the babies in the generation down from me have been boys!) And sure, I have a ton of pretty, flowery paper I could probably use for a baby girl project. Bu it just wasn't what I wanted for this project. I finally found one piece I liked, but it's not super baby-ish. This is an altered comp book (one of my fave projects!) for my dear friend Toby's baby shower tomorrow. We're all SO excited that somebody is finally having a girl!

By the way, I think I know what I'll be keeping an eye out for at the Scrapbook Expo next month -- baby girl paper! (Along with about 1000 other things... this is me, counting down the days and saving up my pennies!)


  1. Another gorgeous card!

    Don't worry, I got chocolate cake too :)

    My husband knows of the Bridgstock family, and believe it or not, I think we actually stayed at their home one night! It was ages ago, and we were booked into the Temple Accommodation Centre, but there was some mistake and it was full up, so the Bridgstocks had offered to help out or something, so we slept in one of their daughter's bedrooms for the night - it was right near the Temple. I wouldn't be surprised if my Dad knew the Dyble family too, if they have been members for long, because he served his mission in the Shetland Isles - David Flinn. He's abroad at the moment so I can't ask him.
    Don't know about the Bakers though. It is fun, isn't it?! The world's a small place in the Church! (P.S. My brother served his mission in SLC of all places!)

  2. This is cute! Basic Grey has that Oh Baby Girl! line that is super cute for girls. I have two girls, so I have TONS of feminine paper! Have fun at the Expo!
